Legacy Launcher 1.5 and above supports Ely.by authorization and skin system. All you need to do is specify your account email and password in the Account Manager, and the skin system will be automatically installed on all Minecraft versions, including Forge mods, OptiFine versions, authlib and etc. We recommend using the .jar version for .exe can be blocked by your antivirus program.
Instructions for installing the skin system
Instructions for Windows:
- Press Win+R simultaneously (Win: key with Microsoft/Windows icon).
- In opened window you should type %APPDATA% and the press Enter
- If you see only 3 folders, then you need to open Roaming folder. Then open the .minecraft folder.
- Go to the "versions" folder, then to the folder of the intended version. You will see a file named "version".jar (extension might not be visible).
- Right-click on the found file and select "Open As...".
- Choose a program like WinRar or 7-Zip.
- If you see the META-INF folder, you should delete it.
- Open the archive downloaded from this site and just simply drag and drop files inside archive to the archive with Minecraft.
- Open the mods folder (Forge will create it when you first run Minecraft).
- Open the archive downloaded from this site and simply drag and drop the file with jar extension in the mods folder.
- If you are using OptiFine and want to use our skins system - use Legacy Launcher, because our patch is not compatible with 1.6.4 and OptiFine.
- Navigate to the libraries folder, then to com/mojang/authlib.
- Open the archive downloaded from this site and see the file authlib-x.x.x. You should open the folder with the same name as the archive inside.
- Replace the folder in the original .jar file with the folder from our archive.
- Close all and launch the game.
Instructions for Ubuntu (GNU/Linux):
- Move to the folder home/<your_username>.
- If disabled visibility of hidden files, then you should press Ctrl+H.
- Find the .minecraft folder (visible only when hidden files are shown) and open it.
- Steps are the same as on Windows.